May 2023 YoY average price down 3.49%
The average price for May 2023 was down 3.49% from May 2022 in the Pikes Peak region. What you see below is the year.
Real Estate Meets Insight: Turning Data Into Decisions – Rob Thompson, RealtorĀ®, Iconic Colorado Properties, LLC
The average price for May 2023 was down 3.49% from May 2022 in the Pikes Peak region. What you see below is the year.
The relationships between variables that impact the market is fascinating to me (I am, admittedly, a bit of a data nerd). What you see.
As we enter into the last week of May 2023, we are tracking at 67.9% of last year’s sales numbers for the same period.
Here’s a look at the last ten years in the Colorado Springs region. What you see here is a look at the number of.
Here’s a quick look at the last five years worth of sales in the region. This is the month to month number of sales.
April 2023 has seen the largest drop in number of sales since at least 1996. We are tracking about 35.8% down from last April..
I’ve been curious for a bit about what pricing might have looked like had the pandemic not hit. As you probably know, the Fed.
This morning’s graph is a representation of the average Days on Market (DOM) for closed homes by month over the last decade. As you.
Why does this matter? When you take out a mortgage to buy a house, you are essentially borrowing a large sum of money from.