State of the Market 15 Nov 2023
OnWe are halfway into November 2023. Where does the market stand today? For Single Family Homes (SFH), we are at 38.6 average days on.
Read MoreReal Estate Meets Insight: Turning Data Into Decisions – Rob Thompson, Realtor®, Iconic Colorado Properties, LLC
We are halfway into November 2023. Where does the market stand today? For Single Family Homes (SFH), we are at 38.6 average days on.
Read MoreThis question hit my inbox this morning. The answer is “mostly below on the average right now”. Here is a breakdown of the top.
Read MoreWhen we evaluate a market, when we hear the stats on a market, we often hear about the positive numbers. For example, if I.
Read MoreGreetings, fellow data nerds! Why is data so important? It helps inform the ground truth. The ground truth of what is actually happening in.
Read MoreIn a word, it’s unaffordable for many people. What you see here is the average monthly payment over the last 3 decades. Note the.
Read MoreIt was a matter of time given market conditions before the data showed a trend we’ve been feeling here in Colorado Springs. Check this.
Read MoreIn the real estate market, many homeowners are looking for ways to increase their property’s value, and solar energy is often marketed as a.
Read MorePricing your home matters. In the sixth week, homes have lost 4.27% of their list price in the Colorado Springs region. Who’s landing? When.
Read MoreAs of this year, Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) has officially surpassed the Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) in terms.
Read MoreHow much does home pricing matter in the Colorado Springs region right now? A lot. Pricing your home too high for the market or.
Read MoreWhen we quote statistics in the real estate industry, we most usually quote the metrics that reflect the successful sales. This is the way.
Read MoreHow does one measure equity gain? A very common measure is the average or median sale price of a home over a period of.
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